When Expecting is Unexpected

One of the really awesome things about where I teach right now is that I get to know my students and their families pretty well. The grandmother of one of my 3-year olds is in my adult class, as is the mother of one of the elementary school boys in the after school program where I volunteer. I’ve been invited into the houses of many of my students, and I’ve met their children, spouses, and parents. They’ve given me food (oh, so much food!) and shown me holiday traditions. It’s been an incredible experience.

In addition to all of the intergenerational fun, I also have spouses in my class – though you’d never know it by just observing, since they never sit together! One couple has been out of class pretty frequently recently for doctor’s appointments (he drives and she doesn’t), and they were gone again on Monday. I got to class on Tuesday, and while I was going over attendance for the day, my other students informed me that the wife of this couple had given birth the night before. I couldn’t believe it! Apparently she’d been pregnant the entire time I’ve had her in class and I had had no idea. It felt like I was on a weird spinoff of I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant.

We had a good discussion about baby culture in class that day, and I’m just looking forward to seeing Mom and Dad back in class and hopefully meeting the new baby!

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